Strategy, Digital
9th April 2020
COVID-19 is now part of our daily lives, and we’re all looking for ways to connect with people. The good news? In the digital world, you can completely avoid everybody’s terrifying unwashed hands.
Based on recent studies, the 18-34 age group have been most impacted socially by coronavirus – but they’re also the most connected through social media. ( source) More and more of us are looking for ways to connect with what we’re watching, and TV just won’t cut it. Now is the perfect time for brands to step in, and shine with some social-distance-friendly content.
And with over 1.8 Billion users, Youtube is here to help. Currently, Youtube is one of the most used social channels, not only to browse for videos but also to stream live content. As a brand, it’s important that you find your voice in this competitive but valuable space.
Here are our top tips for thriving on Youtube
Be unique. Use content that reflects your brand, and focus on your strengths. For example, if you specialise in burgers, create recipes that are burger-related using common things that you’d find in your fridge.
Go live & stay at home. Most video content does not reflect our current situation, and it’s a situation that changes daily. But live content is ALWAYS fresh. With Youtube you can do video live streams or even podcasts – so get creative, go live (and advertise).
Be Relatable. Users don’t want to see things that they can’t do at home. Think about things you struggle with on your day-to-day basis. For example, your audience might find it hard to stay entertained during this time – so you could come up with some games or self-care recipes. Homemade face masks, anyone?
Think outside the box. It’s important to share content that we’re familiar with, but it has to be worthwhile. Right now, brands will be remembered for how they act – no matter what industry they belong to. So, it’s important to be memorable and generate ideas that can help your followers. How about a video on kitchen organisation? Or items that everyone’s grocery list should always include? Have fun and think about the challenges you’re facing as a content creator.
Simplicity is key. Most recipes include ingredients that we can’t access anymore, due to shortage of supplies. It’s time to adapt, and create simple recipes using common household staples – such as canned and frozen food. You can also revisit your signature recipes and change/swap ingredients to make them more simple and accessible.
Finally, after all your hard work, ensure you are measuring your results. To do so you can use:
Go film! You’re a Youtuber now.
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